Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Gifts from the heart

Tonight,  a friend and I reflected on what it means to give. We have been taught to share what has been provided for us, and expect nothing in return.

When I came home, I had  trouble sleeping. I set on a mission to make all of my gifts this year mean something more than their monetary value or a simple exchange of more "stuff". Some would say that its the thought behind the present but I want the intention to be clear- to bring joy.

This year, I will write my family letters of gratitude for the amazing memories we've made through the years. The money I would spend on gifts, has gone toward providing a Christmas feast for my little mentee's family. They often skips meals to make ends meet and I have had the opportunity of knowing what Christmas miracles can be shared over a good meal. I purchased a gift card to our local grocer, stuck it into a Christmas card and slipped it under their door. I hope it brings them a little more holiday cheer this year.

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