Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Quirky things..

I always carry a book and/or magazine with me- everywhere. I have all the intentions of reading one or both of them and usually don't get to it. Currently, I have been carrying the book The Power of Now and the latest Glamour magazine (with Anne Hathaway looking FABULOUS) around with me on my errands.

I love documentaries. Today I had a day off and not only did I sleep all day -which never happens but was blissful in every way- but I watched two documentaries on Netflix. Its always so fun.

I also love anything from the 80s. I watched Flashdance for the first time the other day and LOVED IT. Truly a classic and a gem of its time.

Foreign movies are the best kind of movies. My favorite movie continues to be Pan's Labryinth but currently I'm watching a French Movie called Elles about a french journalist who befriends should be a good one.

I love to travel...anywhere. I want to help people while doing so, and meanwhile observe, absorb and be a part of their cultures.

Learning new languages excites me especially when I do so while devouring yummy food.

p.s. I'm a foodie at heart.

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